

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


For spring break im going to be working a lot because the car I have right now needs some fixing and with my check im going to buy the parts that im going to need. And on my time off that im not at work or fixing my car im going to be writing more lyrics down so I can get my album put together to send to this top producer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Weekend

My weekend was great, I got to see my cousins and got to hangout with my step mom for the day. I didn't really do anything exciting but am glad that I got to spend time with my family.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I remember way back as a youngster all i wanted to be was a hustler,growing up without a father was hard for me cause I had to learn most things on my own but I also learned some things from my mom.People today complain about their parents not doing things for them or that they dont have something they want,but me when i was growing up I never had the things I wanted cause we were struggling but now that we are doing better than we were before I am greatful for the things I have because we have come a long way from nothing to something.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Yesterday I Had A Good Day,The Reason Is Because I Got To See My Pops And Some Of My Family.I havnt talked to them in a long time and seeing them yesterday felt good.Today I plan on going North to see my other family and spend time with my little cousins but thats all i have to say for now byee.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Alot of city's have recycled pay phones in a way were they can be used again.And some of them are even made to inspire people into doing something good.Some of the pay phones have been made so you can face time to other people across anywhere. even tho pay phones are barely used now a days , people have been thinking of some good ideas to make the pay phones usefull in good ways , like in London some pay phones have been use for art and to inspire people.

Space Rocket

space x a rocket company has a  rocket ship called falcon 9.this was a spaceship that was aborted from its launch. the reason that it was aborted was because the second stage it was suppose to go true failed. so for that reason they were not able to launch it.during the launch engineers noticed a problem on one of the two thrust vectors actuators on the second stage that would cause an automatic abort.


I remember a time when I first moved to Eaprep I didnt like it because of the uniform,but now I really dont care about the uniform because it doesnt affect me and im not at school for fashion im here to learn and graduate and maybe go to college.people ask me if i ever get tired of it but at times I do but i just brush it off and say hey this is what you have to go through if you wanna make it to the top.So My #1 goal right now is to cross that stage and make my parents proud that I made it.